E.B. Brown
author : E.B. BrownE.B. Brown enjoys researching history and genealogy and uses her findings to cultivate new ideas for her writing. She lives in New Jersey and is a graduate of Drexel University. Her debut novel, The Legend of the Bloodstone (Time Walkers #1), was a Quarter-finalist in the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest. An excerpt from another Time Walkers novel, A Tale of Oak and Mistletoe (Time Walkers #4), was a finalist in the 2013 RWA/NYC We Need a Hero Contest. \nE.B. is a proud supporter of Special Olympics New Jersey and works multiple charity events throughout the year to support the cause. She loves mudding in her Jeep Wrangler and likes to cause all kinds of havoc the rest of the time. She resides in New Jersey.\n\nDon't miss a thing! Sign up for E.B. Brown's VIP List at https://www.ebbrown.net/vip-list.html\n\nReaders can find E.B. online at: \nFACEBOOK: facebook.com/ebbrownauthor\nTWITTER: @ebbrown_\nGOODREADS: http://www.goodreads.com/EBBrown\nOFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.ebbrown.net View more >>